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30 March 2020|Apartment Updates

Epping apartment just right for returning buyers

When Nicole and her husband William decided to return to Sydney with their young daughter, after having spent over a decade living overseas, they knew there was only one place they really wanted to live: Epping.

Both Nicole and William had attended local schools when they were younger – James Ruse Agricultural High School and Epping Boys High School respectively – while the couple still maintain family connections in the area, meaning the draw to Epping was strong.

However, when they commenced their search, the couple were concerned about whether they would find the type of home they were seeking in Epping.

“After living in Hong Kong for the last nine years, where apartment living is such a big part of the culture, we knew we felt comfortable in that environment,” said Nicole.

“Over there, amenity is such a big part of the lifestyle, and so we wanted to find something similar in Sydney, with everything at our fingertips – from shopping and supermarkets, to restaurants and shared facilities.

“However, when we knew for sure we were moving back, we initially started looking in Chatswood because we had owned there previously, and we were familiar with the high-rise development there.

“But we were pleasantly surprised when we extended our search to Epping and found The Langston, because it offered the same level of quality and amenity we’re used to, but in an area we love.”

However, in keeping with the current rightsizing trend, which has seen buyers seeking out low-maintenance properties with house-like proportions, Nicole was keen to ensure The Langston offered her family the ‘right size’ and living spaces.

In this sense, Nicole and William’s purchase also helped them achieve another life goal – owning a penthouse apartment – with the couple settling on a four bedroom plus study residence on the top floor of The Langston’s first tower.

“We had always wanted to live in a penthouse, and we felt lucky when we found a penthouse in Langston Tower was available,” she explained.

“At this stage in our lives, the penthouse fits our lifestyle needs in the same way as our apartment in Hong Kong – both in terms of living space and amenity.

“The penthouse combines a large space for family with exceptional views and a super-convenient location."

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